By the time you are reading this, you will, hopefully, be resting after an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day with friends and family. There were many folks in town for the weekend and there were some who traveled off-Island to celebrate. Herb and I traveled to Attleboro, and Ted Meinelt went to Topsfield, and many others were also on the road . . . read: boat.
Chilmark has witnessed many Thanksgivings over the years and we wonder what traditions were followed as the years passed. We wonder how many Thanksgivings were celebrated in the Mayhew Mitchell house at Quansoo. This old Chilmark house is currently owned by the Sherriff’s Meadow Foundation. They and the Chilmark Historical Commission are exploring ways to preserve the old home. The Chilmark Historical Commission funded a visit to the homesite by Anne Grady, who is an architectural historian and preservation consultant with experience in the science of dendrochronology. It is a study of the wood in old houses that helps to date them more accurately than science has allowed before. Her report after her visit and research tells us the original parts of the house most likely date to a construction time of 1720 to 1740. This is later than earlier research placed the building dates; however, new science and deeper research has moved the dates on many old New England houses and research is ongoing. The Grady report encourages more research and an attempt to save the house for future study. She indicated that the house “could be saved.” If anyone would like a copy of her report, please e-mail Todd Christy at pbhc@ci.chilmark.ma.us and he will e-mail it to you.
Wendy Weldon will host her open studio sale on Nov. 27 and 28 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Please contact her at wendyweldon@earthlink.net for directions or call her at 508-645-3199.
Scott McDowell invites the public to his Copperworks Studio and Art Gallery on Basin Road in Menemsha for an open house on Saturday, Nov. 28 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Mark your calendars for the popular annual holiday party at the Chilmark Library hosted by the Friends of the Chilmark Library. They will have open house in the meeting room on Dec. 16 from 5 to 7 p.m. Vineyard Classic Brass will entertain us and the public is welcome. The library is conducting a food for fines program for the month of December. Any book or movie overdue will be forgiven with a donation to the Island Food Pantry box. All donations are welcome.
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