Tribal toddlers, children and adults are invited to participate in traditional singing at the tribal building on Thursday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please call Woody Vanderhoop at 508-645-9265, extension 116.
Sandy and Peter Gulbrandsen were at their Lobsterville Road home over the holiday weekend to continue putting the finishing touches on their new home.
Noah James Manning returned home on Tuesday afternoon after a long weekend visit with his maternal grandparents Bill and Joan Kistner in New York. Noah also visited with his aunts, uncles, and cousins, and also made trips into Manhattan to visit with friends. He was accompanied by his parents, Paul and Theresa Manning.
Keith Marden, son of Lloyd and Joanne, was the chaperone for the American Indian Youth Summit as part of the Close-Up Program held during the United South and Eastern Tribes Impact Week in Washington, D.C. Students attending included his son Brendan Marden of Somerset and James Hakenson of Aquinnah.
Dan Sauer, chef at the Outermost Inn during the summer season, demonstrated his skills for the benefit of the culinary arts program at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School this past week. Dan assisted the culinary art students with a winter local foods dinner. The students were able to learn about the Island Grown Initiative and the benefits of buying locally.
Corey Vanderhoop, 9, participated in the jump rope competition at the West Tisbury School this past week to raise money for the American Heart Association.
Get-well wishes to John Wightman who is sporting a sling to immobilize his shoulder following an accidental fall.
A Chorus Line – wow. I was very impressed with the performance by our 53 Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School students who participated in the production. It was very professional. Their acting, singing, and dance were truly well-rehearsed and presented impeccably to the captivated audience. I was so impressed that I returned on Saturday evening after having already attended on Friday. The entire Vineyard community should be proud of the talent the students exhibited, and the students should be very proud of their performance.
Those participating from Aquinnah included Lydia Fischer, daughter of Albert and Linda who played sassy Sheila. The only tribal member participating was Sarah Mendez Swift, daughter of Christine Swift and Jermaine Mendez, granddaughter of Sonny and Gloria Mendez as well as Bruce and Jan Swift, and great-granddaughter of Barbara Francis.
The kitchen renovation at the old Aquinnah town hall is coming along rather well. The beadboard has been preserved in the cabinets. New white tiles are in place across the wall and have inlaid wampum tiles interspersed with the plain tiles and were carefully designed by Joan LeLacheur. Before we know it, the kitchen will be ready for a grand summer social.
The writers’ strike is over and the show is on. Please join the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society for the 3rd annual Oscar Night Benefit to be held at the Oyster Bar on Sunday, Feb. 24 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For reservations, please call 508-693-6600.
Happy 34th anniversary wishes to Mark and Susie Lana Shea as they celebrate on Feb. 23.
Happy anniversary wishes to Mark Harding and Paula Peters as they celebrate on Feb. 27.
Happy 32nd anniversary wishes to Kenneth and Janet Belain on Feb. 28.
Happy birthday wishes to Chelsea Ives as she parties today. Donna Nagle will celebrate on Saturday as will Jeanne Taylor. Darren Leport will party on Feb. 25. Patricia Paiva Vanderhoop celebrates on Feb. 26. Barbara Perry Francis will observe her special day on Feb. 27. Jacob Antonio Bazzy will be seven years old on Feb. 27, and Troy Vanderhoop Jr. will be eight years old the same day. Robert Iadicicco will celebrate his special day on Feb. 27th. Dora Morrow of DoraLu Manor will observe her special day on Feb. 28. My great-grandson James I. Millman will be five years old on Feb. 28.
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