Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Feb. 29 6:18 5:31

Sat., Mar. 1 6:17 5:31

Sun., Mar. 2 6:15 5:32

Mon., Mar. 3 6:13 5:34

Tues., Mar. 4 6:12 5:35

Wed., Mar. 5 6:10 5:36

Thurs., Mar. 6 6:09 5:37

Fri., Mar. 7 6:07 5:38

The best show in town is in the early morning, in the week ahead. The moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are low in the southeastern sky before sunrise. There is a change from day to day.

On Sunday morning, the thin crescent moon appears in the southeastern sky just above Jupiter. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius.

Check out the brightest planet of them all, Venus, near the eastern horizon, a short distance east of Jupiter. Right above Venus and very close is a faint “star,” which is the planet Mercury. Seeing all three planets in the eastern sky is a show, but it gets even more interesting.

On Monday morning, the crescent moon, is even thinner, and appears right underneath Jupiter. On Tuesday morning, the crescent moon appears between Jupiter and Venus.

The best, if trickiest, morning is Wednesday, when three celestial objects form a close triangle. The moon and Venus and Mercury appear together low in the glare of dawn.
