Sunrise Sunset
Fri., March 7 6:07 5:38
Sat., March 8 6:05 5:39
Sun., March 9 7:04 6:41
Mon., March 10 7:02 6:42
Tues., March 11 7:00 6:43
Wed., March 12 6:59 6:44
Thurs., March 13 6:57 6:45
Fri., March 14 6:55 6:46
Gardeners, farmers and fishermen receive a present on Sunday. It isn’t for their pockets, but it just as well might be. An additional hour of daylight arrives at the end of the day with Daylight Saving Time coming on Sunday.
Set your clocks forward one hour Saturday night before going to bed, though the precise hour of change is 2 a.m. Sunday.
We lose an hour to sleep on Saturday night; but there is an extra hour of daylight to play and work outside in the afternoon for the months ahead.
Standard Time returns on Sunday, Nov. 2.
Crescent Moon
The crescent moon appears low in the southwestern sky on Monday night. Only a few will see it as it will be close to the horizon and sets soon after the sun. More Islanders will see the moon on Tuesday night when it appears higher and is in the zodiacal constellation Aries. The moon slips into the zodiacal constellation Taurus later in the week.
Saturn and Mars
The bright planet Saturn appears high in the eastern sky after sunset. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Leo. The red planet Mars has dimmed considerably in the last month. Mars is high in the western sky in the constellation Gemini.
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