Vineyard Masonic Lodge

Schedules Open House

The Vineyard’s masonic organization, Oriental-Martha’s Vineyard Lodge A.F. & A.M., will hold an open house tomorrow, Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The lodge is on the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road, across the street from the intersection with County Road.

“The lodge is open to all,” said Worshipful Master Leonard (Lenny) R. Verville. There will be a reception, a video explaining the organization, and refreshments.

“We are there to answer questions,” Mr. Verville said. “We are not a secret organization, but we are a benevolent organization that has secrets.”

Across the United States, Masons together donate millions of dollars to different community organizations from burn hospitals to senior centers.

The open house coincides with the continuing observance of the 275th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. All lodges in the state will be holding open houses tomorrow.

More information on Masonry in Massachusetts is available by visiting