Sunrise Sunset

Fri., June 20 5:06 8:19

Sat., June 21 5:07 8:19

Sun., June 22 5:07 8:19

Mon., June 23 5:07 8:19

Tues., June 24 5:07 8:19

Wed., June 25 5:08 8:20

Thurs., June 26 5:08 8:20

Fri., June 27 5:08 8:20

The gibbous moon appears late tonight, low in the southeastern sky. The moon follows behind the bright planet Jupiter when it rises. The moon is two days past full and rises after 11 p.m. In the nights ahead, the moon rises even later.

Mars and Saturn, the two evening planets, are only visible for a short time in the west at night. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Leo. At 9 p.m., the two planets appear above the western sky. Mars is red in color.

Saturn is yellowish. They are the two brightest objects in the west. Mars is an interesting sight, as it is very close to the bright star Regulus. So, if you are counting bright objects in the west, there are three: Saturn, Mars and Regulus.

The two are about five degrees apart, or if you hold your hand up in the air, they are half a fist apart. The measurement of five degrees is about the thickness of a viewer’s wrist when held at arm’s length.

Summer Arrives

Summer arrives today at 7:59 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Most summer enthusiasts associate the arrival of summer with June 21. But this is a leap year, and calendar events like the first day of spring, summer, fall and winter, are slightly earlier. Remember? We had February 29 and it pushed all the events associated with the Earth and the sun up about a day.
