Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Sept. 26 6:32 6:32

Sat., Sept. 27 6:33 6:30

Sun., Sept. 28 6:34 6:29

Mon., Sept. 29 6:35 6:27

Tues., Sept. 30 6:36 6:25

Wed., Oct. 1 6:37 6:24

Thurs., Oct. 2 6:39 6:22

Fri., Oct. 3 6:40 6:20

A thin crescent moon appears close to the ringed planet Saturn low in the southeastern sky prior to sunrise tomorrow morning. Early morning risers will likely spot the two.

The early morning crowd at this time of year includes fishermen. Anglers become the best stargazers. They see shooting stars and become proficient at spotting other objects in the night sky. Catch a big bass; study the stars overhead.

The moon is out of view, in the new moon phase on Monday. It reappears in the southwestern evening sky on Wednesday morning right under the brilliant planet Venus. The two appear as an attractive pair. On Thursday evening it appears higher in the west and in the zodiacal constellation Libra.

Venus is becoming a better spectacle low in light of dusk. It will be seen by more people as it appears higher in the sky and sets later.

Jupiter, the easiest planet to spot, has shone all summer in the south. The large planet shines low in the southern sky hours after sunset. There is no mistaking this bright celestial object as it outshines all others stars and planets, save Venus and the Moon.
