A two-week shotgun hunting season for deer opened on Monday, and state public safety and wildlife officials report a strong turnout of hunters and large number of deer being taken.
Hunting is allowed from a half hour before sunrise to a half hour after sunset, and continues through Saturday, Dec. 13.
As of yesterday afternoon 95 deer had been checked in at the station at the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest. Hunters have checked in 68 deer at the Wampanoag Tribe headquarters in Aquinnah. An additional eight were taken during archery season in November.
Steve Purcell, who runs a deer check-in at Larry’s Tackle Shop in Edgartown, said he has seen upwards of 60 deer so far this week. He said 147 deer were taken during archery season.
Weather conditions have been clear and mild. Brian Hawthorne, a wildlife biologist with the state, was at the state deer check-in on Monday and Tuesday. He said the herd appears healthy. Mr. Hawthorne surveyed carcasses by examining teeth and measuring antlers. He said ticks were taken off some of the carcasses on Monday by workers from the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, department of biomedical sciences infectious diseases.
State environmental police Sgt. Philip Desroches was investigating a case of a hunter shooting after hours on Wednesday night, but he said the week otherwise has been without incident.
Bret Stearns, director of natural resources with the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) said there were a few incidents of nontribal members hunting and trespassing on the tribe’s 580 acres.
“We have seen a variety of [deer] age classes from half a year to over three and a half years old. That is a good sign,” said Mr. Stearns. “I think the numbers are up from last year. The weather has been great.”
On Monday, a 159-pound buck was brought in. During archery season, the largest buck seen was a 201.5-pound, 14-pointer, taken by Glenn Jackson. Russ Lawrence of Edgartown took a 191.13-pound buck.
Tom Gieder, a wildlife technician for the state, issued a reminder to people who plan to walk in the forest to wear hunter orange or brightly colored clothing.
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