Chilmark enjoyed another sunny and mild week with room on the roads for the fishermen who are still searching for the right spot to catch a winner. If you were looking up this past Monday in Menemsha you could have watched 10 turkey buzzards riding some thermals over the creek, and out over the beach you could have seen the young bald eagle also circling and soaring.
In other words, things are quiet for most of us at this time of year. However, there are many interesting activities to get you out and about.
The Chilmark library is hosting a group art show opening tomorrow, Oct. 6, with a reception from 3 to 5:30 p.m. The show is called Jewels for the Home and features handmade mosaic wampum tiles by Joan LeLacheur of Aquinnah, felted fabrics by Heather Hall of Montague and custom-made cabinets by Paul Lazes of West Tisbury. The show may be viewed during regular library hours.
Popular Chilmark potter Candy Shweder will have a pottery sale this weekend at her barn/studio on Middle Road. She will be open from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., selling discontinued patterns and styles as well as other items. Please follow arrows from the corner of Fulling Mill Road on Middle Road.
The butterfly garden at the library is at its peak this week. I hope you have a minute to stop by and see it. You may spot some Monarch butterflies resting in the blooms. The library staff and trustees wish to thank Jane Naylor who has voluntarily created and maintained that lovely garden all summer as she has for several years. Many thanks from us all.
Members of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 5, National Wildlife Refuge, along with Chilmarkers Frank Fenner, Warren Doty, Tim Rich and Tim Carroll and a representative of the Wampanoag Tribe from Aquinnah traveled to Noman’s Land on Monday for an overnight visit to the island that is part of the National Refuge holdings. There were 13 in the party that camped in tents for the night. They had nice weather for their trek on foot around the shoreline. They visited several sites and took many pictures and notes. Reports of the visit will be available to the public. Noman’s Land, part of the town of Chilmark, is a national wildlife refuge now and the public is not allowed to visit. However, the island will be visited by the wildlife service, which is interested in keeping us informed.
The Chilmark Historical Commission thanks Peter and Della Darling of Quitsa for taking the time this week to mend a fence at the Quitsa Pound. The commission oversees the maintenance of the Chilmark pounds. There is another on North Road. Pounds are enclosures where stray farm animals were put in the days when Chilmark was a more agricultural community. They also display some nice old stonewalls. We appreciate the public’s interest in our historic sites.
The Martha’s Vineyard Science Fiction Association met for its annual luncheon at the Bite restaurant in Menemsha this week. They were attending their 11th annual workshop. The crew of the Bite, Michael, Jackie and Karen, look forward to this yearly visit and appreciate their support. The Bite will close for the season on Oct. 7 this year.
The Chilmark store will end a busy season this holiday weekend also.
Allen Flanders dropped by this week to say that he is now retired from his banking career in Boston and will continue to divide his time between Chilmark and Boston. Allen is the son of Florence Flanders of Vineyard Haven and the late Leslie Flanders.
Congratulations from us all to Jim and Roberta Morgan who celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on Sept. 29 and enjoyed a family dinner in Menemsha.
Dick and Pat Cudmore are in town for some derby fishing. They live in Falmouth and enjoy visiting their many friends here. Dick has already won several bluefish prizes.
Bob and Emma Shalhope hosted an Island tour and visit for Sarah Griswold of Brooklyn and Helen Lloyd of Wales, Great Britain. The women met in Leicester, England, while pursuing courses in museum studies. Sarah is the daughter of the chairman of the history department at the University of Oklahoma. Bob is recently retired from that department. Sarah is working at the Jewish Heritage Museum on New York city and Helen was enjoying her first visit to the United States.
John Wightman will show his Island Images at the Beach Plum Inn and Restaurant on Oct. 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. John will be showing over sixty of his photographs of the Island in all seasons. Chef James McDonough will offer treats and the public is welcome.
The popular Women’s Symposium will meet on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 9 a.m. until noon at the community center in Chilmark. This group is well-attended so it is wise to come early. The subject under discussion this time is: What I Didn’t Say Then. This will be the 10th year for the symposium, which is open to the public.
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School class of 1968 is planning its reunion for 2008. Please e-mail the planning committee at mvrhs1968@yahoo.com in order to get on the contact list. Madeline Fisher is at mm@madelinefisher.com if you need more information.
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