

I know we are all used to the roving gangs of turkeys passing through our yards. I say gangs, not flocks, because they can be very proprietary. But my dogs went crazy barking the other day. I thought they should be used to the turks by now. I looked out the window and saw a beautiful, big, and obviously well-kept rooster waiting for food. He walked up my front steps and would have rung the bell if he could reach it.

I brought out bread and Cheerios, he escorted me down the steps and waited patiently while I broke the food up. He has been there all week. My only fear is my 17-year-old cat might want to grab him. I can tell this would be an engagement poor old Lion would lose. Are any of you missing a rooster? He doesn’t bother me but I fear he might be lost and lonely. Give me a call.

Speaking of animals, the Second Chance Animal Rescue group will hold a bake sale tomorrow in front of Cronig’s Market in Vineyard Haven. Weather permitting, there will be a basket of kittens. These dedicated rescuers also work with dogs and other animals — perhaps they should come get the rooster. They take in strays, attend to medical needs, and generally attend to the welfare of our abandoned or lost furry and feathered friends. If you wish to donate baked goods — all must be individually wrapped, per state law — call Verna at 508-696-8305, or just deliver your treats between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. The sale runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a great way to pick up goodies for your Thanksgiving day guests. I’ll see you there.

Handmade from the Heart is the annual holiday fund-raising event for Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard. This year the party is at the Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown on Saturday, Dec. 8. If you are handy with crafts and have any items to donate or bake, please call 508-693-0189 to make arrangements. If shopping is more of your thing, be sure to come and enjoy the array of gifts as well as the Hospice-tality Cafe which will be open and serving fine food throughout the gala. I’ll see you there.

While the two organizations I have already listed are ones that have, in some way, touched our lives, tomorrow night’s movie at the Katharine Cornell Theatre cannot go unmentioned. Away from Her, starring the always stunning Julie Christie, is a touching exploration of the effects of Alzheimer’s. The film begins at 7:30 p.m.

Nothing is more fun in my English conversation classes than explaining the rivalry between the Vineyard and Nantucket and the hoopla that will surround tomorrow’s game, especially to a class full of soccer fans. I assign attendance at the game as homework as long as my students aren’t working. The game gets going at 1 p.m. This year’s slogan is Keep the Cup! I will definitely see you there.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Sarah Benson, JackLynn Pinkerton, Judy Andrews, and Jo-Ann Walker today. Tomorrow is claimed by Tessa Rose Whitaker. Nov. 18 is shared by Katie Lolley, Sarah Thompson, Sam Sawyer, and John Alley. Nov. 19 is a party for Jenny Coito, Jo Burton, John Athearn, and Linda Voluckas. Nov. 20 is John Viera’s day. And on Nov. 21 Doug Grant takes the cake. Many happy returns.