Phyllis Meras of Music street reports that we did not have any snow on Christmas Day as the temperature reached 46 degrees. The automobile traffic in town was nearly non-existent most of the day as families gathered around their tree to exchange gifts and enjoy a family dinner. Relatives and friends came by to visit in the lat e afternoon. The church was well attended at the two services held on Christmas Eve.
Anna, son Sam and yours truly, along with our black dog, Star, who had never been off Island, and our daughter’s dog Sampson, traveled to East Taunton to spend Christmas with Nicole and her husband, Arsen. We enjoyed our brief visit and headed home Christmas night. The traffic was heavy. Everything but two or three gas stations was closed, a very unusual sight. In Falmouth, the Peking Palace was open and doing a land-office business. So we bought some take-out Chinese food before catching the 8:30 p.m. boat.
Jane Konicki of Webster reports that her husband Ed removed the tree and took down all of the decorations in and outside of their home before dark on Christmas Day. They were the first couple to put up a tree on Thanksgiving and the first to take one down. On the other hand, Judy Hall out in Oklahoma City reports that she will wait until Jan. 6 to have her husband Malcolm remove the tree.
Ina Andre of Edgartown Road reports that her parents, Manfred and Sabine Buettner from Schlagsdorf, Germany, who are visiting during holiday season, enjoyed reading about their son-in-law Richard Andre’s new farming adventure and how busy they are building a home. They are enjoying the beauty of the Island, their grandson Nicholas and the friendliness of Vineyarders very much.
Alden Maddry of Brooklyn, N.Y., was here visiting his mother Martha Moore and her significant other Joey McConnell at her Middle Point home. Alden is an architect and has designed an addition to her home.
Marian Irving of Old County Road returned home yesterday after spending Christmas with her son and grandchildren in Wayland.
Lynn Demond of Natick came down to spend the Christmas holiday with her significant other, Steve Hart, at his Old County Road home.
Bob and Barbara Day of Willow Tree Hollow returned home on Wednesday after spending Christmas with their daughter Catha Carlson and her family in New York. They also stopped to visit with their son Matthew and Stacey Day and their family in Connecticut.
Rosie Shugrue of Old County Road returned home yesterday after visiting her parents for the Christmas holiday.
Daniel Whiting of Celebration, Fla., and his children arrived on the Island on Wednesday to visit his sister Tara at Old Parsonage Farm.
Laureen Spencer, formerly of Music street and now from Chilmark, returned home to New York city last Friday to spend Christmas with her family and friends. She reports having a wonderful time and it was the first time in four years she has been able to get home for the holidays.
On Jan. 4, 1946 the town had its first real estate transaction of the New Year. Burton M. and Pauline Vincent, of Merrybrook Farm Road near Look’s Pond and Chilmark, purchased the former James A. Mayhew house on Old County Road from Mrs. Percy Anderson of Berkley. The Vincents have been spending winters in the summer home of her aunt, Miss Sylvia Bates, located on the farm road. Pauline plans on retiring from her position of instructor of journalism at New York University this year and intends to live here permanently. The Mayhew house is located next door to the former William Rotch house and across the street from the Sarah Burt home, one of the oldest in town. Their new place has remained vacant since the death of the Mayhews several years ago. The Vincents will assume residency in their new house in the spring after making interior renovations.
Happy birthday to Gary Blogett, Katherine Devane and Maitland Edey today; Simon Hickman, Phyllis McMorrow, and Mary Van Nes tomorrow; Beth Kramer, Linda Cohen and Don Sibley on Sunday; Jenifer Strachan and Elizabeth Rothwell on Monday; Barbara Flynn, Jennifer Kelley and Ashley Hunter on Tuesday; Martha Sullivan, Daniel Small, Nathan LeBlanc and Dan Gaskill on Wednesday; and Chris Jones, Elizabeth Cecil, Pat Vann, Julia Mitchell and Diana Manter on Thursday. A happy anniversary to Mike and Hermine Hull on Tuesday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition, the last one of the year. It is time once again to make New Year’s resolutions. If you have any news of holiday guests, please call or e-mail me. I want to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very happy and healthy New Year.
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