Sunrise Sunset
Fri., August 24 5:58 7:28
Sat., August 25 5:59 7:26
Sun., August 26 6:00 7:25
Mon., August 27 6:01 7:23
Tues., August 28 6:02 7:22
Wed., August 29 6:03 7:20
Thurs., August 30 6:05 7:18
Fri., August 31 6:06 7:17
Our evening planets, Mars and Saturn, are separating. The two planets appear low in the southwestern sky after sunset. Mars is distinctly red when compared to the yellowish Saturn, which is visible more to the west. The bright star Spica is under Saturn. Together the three objects, Mars, Saturn and Spica, form a triangle.
For those who have watched the three, over the past few weeks, there is change.
Mars is moving away, moving eastward away from the two. When left behind, Saturn and Spica will look more and more like a pair.
The morning sky is full of planets. Venus and Jupiter are the two brightest planets in the eastern sky. Venus is closer to the eastern horizon and the brightest. High up in the east, Jupiter shines in the zodiacal constellation Taurus, the bull. Jupiter is above the large Hyades star cluster, which appears as the head of the bull.
Mercury is low in the southeastern sky. Usually, Mercury is the hardest of the visible planets to see. Mercury spends most of its time in close proximity to the sun. But this week and for a few more days, Mercury appears high enough in the eastern sky to be readily available for viewing. Mercury is well underneath Venus. Mercury shines amid the glare of morning twilight.
We have a blue moon coming next Thursday and Friday. Whenever there are two full moons in a month, the second full moon gets the name blue moon.
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