

You know what I think of technology. A necessary (or perhaps unnecessary) evil. I still prefer to do my writing and thinking with a cheap black ballpoint pen on a yellow legal pad. I spent two and a half hours on the phone with three nice technicians in India two weeks ago. I had opened my email account to a letter featuring the proper Yahoo Mail Classic! logo that said my account had exceeded its limits and if I didn’t click on and verify my account, it would be cancelled in 24 hours. What do I know? So I clicked, I verified and I was hacked. A big mess. The lovely crew at MV Tech told me it was a Yahoo problem, not a computer problem, and directed me to a phone number somewhere in India. I really want to visit that country someday and meet all the people I have been speaking to. The first technician said that Yahoo never sends out emails like that. I apparently needed a new firewall, a new password, a new brain and it would probably help if I could speak the language so I wouldn’t have to keep asking the workers to repeat what they said. Be careful what you open, and start brushing up on your Hindi, Urdu and whatever other languages are spoken in that great country.

The monthly mini book sale at our library will be held tomorrow from 1 to 3 p.m. Proceeds benefit the children’s programs. As far as what I am personally reading, I have backed off on the Lee Child books. I have read almost all of them and I am sure if I keep it up I will have a heart attack — they are so exciting. But I have gotten very much into Jodi Picoult. I suggest you give her a try.

Of course our library is about more than reading. Jan Buhrman, owner of Kitchen Porch Catering and local Island chef and meal planner for 25 years, presents the Simple Life of the Bean at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19. Jan uses local produce and will present nutritious, quick, easy and low-cost meals to keep us healthy. I’ll see you there.

Betty Burton reminds us that beginning on Thursday April 11, and for seven consecutive Thursdays after that, the Great Decisions discussion group will meet at the library at 7 p.m. I’m telling you now so that you can register and get any accompanying materials you may need.

Daffodil Days are here again. Judy Baynes says pre-ordered bouquets will be delivered on Tuesday. But if you have not signed up you may still contribute to this annual fundraiser to find the cure for cancer. Just go to the Edgartown Stop & Shop on Tuesday afternoon and pick up your fragrant bouquet for a mere $10. If you can’t get out on Tuesday, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and the Vineyard Haven Cronig’s will sell the blossoms on Wednesday morning. All proceeds go to cancer research. And this time of year always makes me think of how long and hard Dorothy Bangs worked to keep this tradition going on-Island.

I’m giving you a heads-up for the spring luncheon on Saturday, March 23 at the Grill in Edgartown from noon to 2 p.m. This well-loved cultural event will feature speaker Bonnie Stacy of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum. For reservations, call Leslie Clapp of the Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living at 508-939-9440. The birthday bandwagon pulls along Tami Conroy Hersh, Jib Ellis and Allie Weisman today. Tomorrow is a party for Sarah McDonald, Kyle Carter and Brianna DeOliveira. Saint Patrick’s Day shines on Manlio Jannace, Marc Natichioni and Julio Silva. March 18 honors Chris Kennedy, John Franzago and Zachary Lawrence Donald. March 19 is for James Heine. March 20 is claimed by Deb Chickering, Dianne Norton, Chuck Redington, Seth Edwin Donald and J.D.Wild. And on March 21, Barbara Dacey, Julie Robinson and Michelle Yates take the cake. Many happy returns.