The Vineyard is usually spared the most oppressive days of summer but this week has been an exception with sweltering heat and humidity up Island and down, the kind seen more typically on the mainland. Who turned off the breeze? Not a breath of air could be had, or so it seemed at times.
Where to go to cool off, that was the main question.
The obvious place of course was the ocean for a long, cool soak, a paddle in a kayak or a little sail in a sunfish (see memo on problem with breeze). And there were plenty of people who did just that. Vacationers flocked to the shore at all hours of the day to swim and frolic and sit in sandy chairs beneath colorful umbrellas reading novels. Hardworking Islanders could be found there in the early mornings or late in the day after work, perhaps for a quick swim or just a long stroll barefoot in the surf.
The woodlands offer a different kind of respite from the heat. Hushed and cool, shaded by a canopy of leaves overhead, insects stilled by the steamy temperatures, wooded paths at the many Island wildlife sanctuaries are a place to escape the madding crowds of summer. Freshwater streams are still flowing from all the rain. Berries are ripe for picking.
The dog can be walked, the mind can be allowed to wander.
And midsummer dreams can still be dreamed.
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