Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
I want to thank everyone for their heroic efforts to save my horse, Norman, when he recently suffered a brutal lamanitis attack: Tracy Olson and Jess Forend for their tireless vigilance, experience and care; Irene and Bob Hungerford, Caroline Herman and the entire Woodbe Farm staff for the icing, wrapping, concern and advice; Lisa Randall, Toni and Mark Hanover and all the boarders for their help; Drs. Connie Breeze and Kirsten Sauter for their prompt responses; Larry Hill for corrective shoes; Tammy Conroy for her generosity; Up Island Cronig’s staff for lugging endless sleeves of ice up from the basement; Tracy Smith, who loves Norm too, for dropping everything and tailoring him to Tufts, as well as the Steamship Authority for getting him on a boat so quickly we had to race to catch up; Sarah Doyle Smith and Marty Beasley (who makes our treats) for their advice and stories of hope that were so important; my mother, Lydia Lenz, for her love, support and prayers.
Most of all I want to thank Dr. Mark Holman for his calm, clear and compassionate guidance that led this monumental effort, and got Norm to the Myhre Equine Clinic, where he is healing so well against the odds. Dr. Grant Myhre is exceptional as is his entire staff. Lauren, Neil and I are humbled and grateful to all of you.
Deb Withers, West Tisbury
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