Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Our Pennywise Path Run/Walk to the New Library was a big success. We raised money for the library, but also raised awareness of the Edgartown Public Library’s many contributions to the life of the town. The Edgartown police, the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank, the Edgartown School as well as the Edgartown selectmen and trustees of the Library all worked with us to ensure a happy and safe run. Local businesses Edgartown Books and The Boneyard contributed prizes, as did individual members of the Friends. Our race needed seed money and that was provided by David and Anne Thompson’s generous gift. The seeds of that gift have already begun to sprout. Local runners made an excellent showing and Kathy O’Sullivan and Joe Schroeder were excellent facilitators. Kathy O’Sullivan of MV Multi-sport also made a significant donation to our coffers. The library’s own Nis Kildegaard, gave us added ink in an article reporting the race and publishing the results. Rick Mello donated the design set up fee for the T-shirts which were designed by Edgartown School student Molly Pogue. The director and staff of the library not only helped us in planning and implementing this event, but also participated in the race itself. Island Transport provided a bus to deliver the participants to the starting line.

As the construction of the new library proceeds, the daily work of the library continues without ceasing. Programs are in process and well as in the planning stage. New books and new equipment continue to be purchased and used more than ever. The Friends of the Edgartown Library are proud to be a part of this fine community organization. Thank you everyone!


Mary Jane Carpenter, Edgartown

The writer is president of the Friends of the Edgartown Public Library.