This letter is directed to your readers who may be cruising in Edgartown harbor this summer and wondering what has happened to the iconic flag that flew in front of Walter Cronkite’s home for as long as many of us can remember. Sadly, the flagpole met its demise when it tangled with tropical storm Arthur in the wee hours of Saturday morning. We were very fortunate that it missed the house by only a few feet. The pole was so large and heavy, almost 40 feet long and as big around as a telephone pole, it had to be cut and carried away. We fully intend to replace it, but unfortunately it will not be until late summer or early fall. The new pole will need to be placed so it will never fall on the house or patio. But, as we are hosting the fifth annual Walter Cronkite awards ceremony and reception benefit for the Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Institute on August 5, this cannot be done until the tent, which was to be constructed around the old pole, is removed. Please rest assured that come next boating season, we will have Old Glory flying again, on a pole of equal stature, in Mr. Cronkite’s honor.
Karen and David Brush
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