The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard supports House 3665, a bill to vastly improve access to public records. This bill has been languishing in the House Ways and Means Committee since July, and it is now time for action.
We urge Rep. Tim Madden and Sen. Dan Wolf to press the committee to bring it to the floor. In July, Massachusetts ranked 46 out of 50 states in transparency and compliance with the Federal Freedom of Information Act. Since then we have moved down to 47. Transparent government is essential to a functioning democracy. Let’s have Massachusetts be a leader not a laggard. In addition to these comments, emails were sent to both Mr. Madden and Mr. Wolf urging their support of H.3665.
Let’s get this done!
Kris Vrooman and Bea Phear
Oak Bluffs and West Tisbury
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