What a glorious Fourth of July. The weather could not have been any better. For the Federated Church, this was the first Fourth of July parade we have marched in, and it had very special meaning to us, as this marks our 375th anniversary.
We appreciate the support we received from the Island community in making this event one to truly be appreciated. Special thanks go to Bernie Lebow, who at the last minute, when plan A didn’t happen, generously donated the use of his 1948 truck, which he also drove. Having an older congregation, it helped immensely to have folding chairs to accommodate six people in the back of the truck, for those who needed a rest break from the marching.
We also wish to thank Anne Vose for the use of her 1949 Willys Jeep, which she drove, to provide additional transportation for those who could not walk in the parade.
We are very grateful to the Martha’s Vineyard Financial Group for helping us with the cost of the special T-shirts we had printed up for our 375th, and all wore in the parade. And our thanks go out to Cash and Carry for their discount on our paper goods for our annual picnic following the parade.
James Butterick
Oak Bluffs
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