The following letter was submitted to the Dukes County Commission last week.

It is with mixed emotions that I notify you of my resignation and retirement from the office of county treasurer as of June 2, 2018. Elected in 1990, I took office on Jan. 2, 1991. Sworn in five times by clerk of superior court Joseph Sollitto, I am currently the longest serving county treasurer in the commonwealth. I am proud of the part I have played working with the many legislators, commissioners, selectmen, managers and employees that serve the citizens of the county of Dukes County.

Although I will no longer be an official of the county, I will continue with the day-to-day challenge to convince our neighbors about the significance of regional government to provide services. The county was an integral part in the passing of legislation for the creation of the Dukes County Pooled O.P.E.B. Trust, the purchase of the former VNA building to house the Center for Living and their Senior Day Program, and recently added social services to address needs of island residents to access food stamps, fuel assistance and similar public welfare benefits. I urge you to continue the regionalization of programs so that citizens are served in an efficient manner.

As an elected official that is not at the end of a term, the Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office has informed me that the appointment of the county treasurer is the county commissioners’ responsibility pursuant to MGL Chapter 54 Section 143.

Please let me remind all that the county treasurer’s position is very different from a town treasurer since the duties are that of both the treasurer and accountant for all county departments and programs. The county treasurer is also the chairman of the retirement board and has fiscal responsibilities to the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank. I strongly recommend the county commissioners promote/appoint assistant treasurer Ann Metcalf, who has been working closely with me for the past 14 months. She would serve for the two and one half years left of my term.

I would be remiss if I did not recognize my co-workers. The county (including the airport) and retirement system have wonderfully dedicated people who take great pride in the work they do. I appreciate the efforts that they have put forth for the benefit of all citizens. They are wonderful friends whom I will miss seeing each day. I also want to thank the citizens of the county for a rewarding career and the opportunity to serve them.

I am not sure how I am going to feel on June 4, when I am no longer part of the county full time, but my family and friends have been urging me to make this decision for some time. I have not had “a summer on Martha’s Vineyard” since I was 13, so it will be fun to be at the beach with my grandchildren!

Noreen Mavro Flanders