Christopher E. Larkosh, a professor at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and internationally-renowned lecturer, died unexpectedly on Christmas...
Antone M. Maseda Jr. of Oak Bluffs died at his home on the morning of Oct. 13.
Chappell Cory 3rd died Oct. 15 after a wonderful dinner with his family at his longtime Camp Ground home.
Michael D. Knight died peacefully at his home in Detroit on August 26 after a short but valiant fight against pancreatic cancer.
April Cimeno died Oct. 3 at her home in Vineyard Haven with her parents, Gerald Franzago and Anna M. Cimeno, by her side.
Rebecca J. Grillo Gonsalves of Vineyard Haven and formerly of Hopedale, died Oct. 3 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston after an illness.
Frances Mae (Frannie) Gentle died on Oct. 7, surrounded by her family.
Robert I. (Bob) Boak of Oak Bluffs died at the Martha's Vineyard Hospital on Oct. 5 after a brief illness.