Birds-eye view of the Gay Head Cliffs. Tim Johnson

Sunday, June 26, 2022

June is the on-ramp for the Vineyard's swift passage through summer, the month when the pieces that make up the busy mosaic of summer life here fall into place and the full picture begins to take shape.

Each summer we round the end of June and see this wonderful vista open before us, this vista of seasonal enjoyments at once deeply familiar and entirely new.

Comments (2)

Marney Toole , Oak Bluffs
Tim Johnson is a treasure! His photographs never fail to transport me to the world I want to live in. Thank you Tim!
July 2, 2022 - 7:41am
Susan of OB, CT
What a beautiful variety of photos....indeed a mosaic .......LOVE the shots from the air ....and cute capture of the reality of life with horses (aka wheelbarrow contents), Thank you for sharing your artistry with us!
July 2, 2022 - 3:14pm


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