Ray Ewing
  • [l-r] Matt Pelikan, William Hamson, Luanne Johnson, and Rich Couse of Biodiversity Works.
  • Andrew Wiley with a selection of grass seeds.
  • Adam Moore of Sheriff's Meadow Foundation.
  • [l-r] Dayana dos Santos, Pricila Vilaça, Emily Santana of CAP.
  • Cottage City Oysters.
  • Emily Ellingson of Polly Hill Arboretum.
  • Goldie's Rotisserie food truck provided refreshment outside.
  • Ken Carloni demonstrates the biochar process.
  • [l-r] Cathy Verost, Deborah Duarte for the MVC.
  • Os Naftalinas, a Brazilian Pop band played for an enthusiastic crowd.
  • Smokey Bear was a crowd favorite.
  • VCS displayed its annual High School student art show.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Islanders headed to the Climate Fair on Sunday at the Agricultural Hall to learn about environmental issues and take action.


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