Seals and cormorants chose cold air over warmer water at Squibnocket. David Damroth

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Winter weather settled in over the Vineyard during the quiet week between Christmas and the new year. Single-digit temperatures quickly froze harbors and ponds, and icicles hung from docks and under eaves, creating an icy white world everywhere on the Island. Sea smoke wafted over the ocean, the result of warmer water mingling with the cold air.

It is the season to seek refuge inside, by fireplaces and heaters, but some Islanders bundled up and braved the weather. Eleven people plunged into Vineyard Sound on New Years Day for the annual Polar Plunge, while others stood outside to watch New Years fireworks or to count birds for the Christmas Bird Count. Still others donned ice skates and headed to the frozen ponds, embracing the New England winter weather with hockey and skating.

Comments (1)

Beautiful photos, wish I could be there. (Not coming up until May )
January 22, 2018 - 9:05am


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