Jason Widdiss at the Aquinnah Circle, where his shop is located. Jeanna Shepard

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jeweler Jason Widdiss took over his shop at the Aquinnah Circle from his father, Donald Widdiss, four years ago. He says wampum jewelry was originally used to tell a story and can also be given as a sign of respect and honor. His pieces are available at his shop, called Wayward Wampum, or at etsy.com/shop/JasonWiddissWampum.

Comments (3)

Beautiful- I have Wampum jewelry purchased on MV 30plus years ago. People in FL admire it and are flabbergasted when I give them the history. I grew up in Fairhaven and New Bedford.
July 17, 2018 - 8:58pm
Barbara , Winter Park, FL
Having grown up in Fairhaven and New Bedford, I know about Wampum and Wampum jewelry. I bought Wampum jewelry on MV over 30 years ago. People in FL admire it when I wear it and are flabbergasted when I explain Wampum to them.
July 17, 2018 - 9:05pm
Schuyler Redd, Boston
Wampum jewelry has been steadily piquing the interest of more and more people. I have yet to acquire a piece for myself but many friends and family member adorn themselves with these amazing works of art. It is unique to the Martha's Vineyard and the Wampanoag Tribe, while you can find it elsewhere, is wonderful to see craftsman and craftswomen preserving and enhancing this historical and beautiful art form.
July 20, 2018 - 11:32am


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