He Wants You to Walk All Over His Antique Works of Art
Tara Keegan

Peter Pap buys and sells art you can step on.

“It was rather by chance that I ended up an Oriental rug seller,” he said. “I simply started by working as an assistant at a store in Boston.”

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The Decisive Rock and Roll Moment
Katie Ruppel

After graduating from Whittier College in the 1960s, Guy Webster decided to join the army reserves for a six-month stint rather than go to Viet Nam. For the first three months he purchased, shipped and decorated Christmas trees. For the second half he taught photography, even though he had never even held a camera before that moment.

“I had never taken a photograph in my life,” remembered Mr. Webster. It wasn’t until his last month in the reserves that he shot his first roll of film. That was all it took to get him hooked.

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Waxing Artistic

Some of the earliest encaustic wax painters were probably the Greeks, who used the technique to fill in cracks in the hulls of their ships and to decorate their walls with murals.

Today, artists such as Debra M. Gaines still practice the art of encaustic painting, a process whereby beeswax is melted and pigment is introduced into the mixture. Ms. Gaines will be conducting an encaustic painting demonstration at the Louisa Gould Gallery, 54 Main street, Vineyard Haven on Monday, August 13, at 6 p.m.

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Washashore Art

Washashore Art

One clever way to clean up a beach is to collect trash and turn it into art. That’s what artist and art teacher Wendy Shalen did, using found floating debris from beaches on the Vineyard, Long Island and Florida as subject matter for her handmade paper seascapes. The series is called Washed Ashore, and was recently exhibited at the Pound Ridge Library in New York.

The images show the closeness of nature and material culture. Garbage can be collected on some beaches as easily as drift wood.

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Aging Artfully: At 90 Years Old, Still Putting on a Show

Rose Abrahamson has a history of saying this is her last art show. Who can blame her? After all, she is 90 years old. But thankfully, thus far, she has not made good on her promise.

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John Lennon's Artistic Message Will Possess, Caress Vineyard
Joel Greenberg

It was fitting, maybe inevitable, that Yoko Ono and John Lennon met in an art gallery at a showing of her work in London. Now, more than 40 years later, Ms. Ono has established a tradition of exhibiting Mr. Lennon’s art around the United States to celebrate her late husband’s passion for peace and love, which she says with a matter-of-factness that restores those words to their late-1960s meaning, before they became glib catchphrases for many people.

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Oak Bluffs Art Stroll

Oak Bluffs Art Stroll

On Saturday, August 11, this month’s Arts District Stroll in Oak Bluffs takes place. The stroll is from 4 to 7 p.m. and is an opportunity to check out all of the galleries along Dukes County avenue as they roll out the welcome mat, not to mention snacks and drinks.

The Alison Shaw Gallery is hanging a show full of brand-new work as well as celebrating The Chappy Ferry Book by author Tom Dunlop with photographs by Alison Shaw.

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What if Goliath, Not David, Had Won?
Katie Ruppel

Dressed in a simple tunic, carrying only his slingshot and a sack of stones, a poor shepherd boy approached the nine-foot-tall giant.

With courage and a steady hand, David slung one small stone right smack at Goliath’s head, knocking out the Philistine’s war hero.

It’s a tale most are familiar with and at the forefront of the underdog mentality, said liberal theologian Harvey Cox.

“We like the underdog,” said Mr. Cox. “That’s why everyone in the Boston area despises the New York Yankees.”

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Samuel Close

This Sunday, August 12, artist Samuel Close will be putting the finishing touches on one of his works featuring the Edgartown Lighthouse at the Island Art Gallery located at 66 Main street in Vineyard Haven from 4 to 6 p.m. The piece is to be raffled-off, and 100 per cent of the proceeds will go to the Martha’s Vineyard Museum.

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Urge to Create More Than Guilty Pleasure

Some people can do everything. Case in point, artist Elizabeth Langer not only creates magnificent artwork, she was also a successful lawyer working for the U.S. Depatment of Justice in Washington, DC and later in private practice.

But all that legal eagle stuff is behind her now, the creative lure so much more sharp and potent than the scales of law. Good for her. After all, the world is full of lawyers, some are even nice people, but an artist’s work is always a solo show.

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