Recovering History in Baptist Temple Park

A Michigan State University researcher is working to uncover the history of the old tabernacle and religious community that made a home in 19th century East Chop, then known as the Highlands.

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Baptist Tabernacle

Work on the Baptist Tabernacle is progressing rapidly, under the superintendence of the contractor, Mr. Tilly, of Hyde Park, Mass.

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Baptist Pavilion
Vineyard Gazette

The Baptist Pavilion, at Vineyard Highlands, will seat from 2,500 to 3,000 persons. The Vineyard Baptist Association has purchased a lot of the chairs lately used in the Moody Tabernacle in Boston. They have been brought to the island, and are now in the Pavilion, which is approaching completion.

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Baptist Temple Sold to Highlands Property Trust
Vineyard Gazette
The Baptist Temple on the Highlands has been sold by the Massachusetts Baptist Association to the Highland Property Trust, thus bringing the historic structure and its site to possession of the group of summer residents who a few years ago took over the old Vineyard Grove company holdings.
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Baptist Camp Meeting
Vineyard Gazette
The dedicatory services at the new Baptist Temple on Vineyard Highlands Sunday morning, were very successful. Despite the unpleasant weather the friends of the Baptist denomination gathered in large numbers, and some two thousand people were present at the opening services, among them eighty prominent divines.
The introductory services were conducted by Rev. R. G. Seymour of Boston. Mr. J. E. Simonds led the singing and Mrs. Simonds presided at the organ.
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Baptist Temple
Vineyard Gazette

The first public religious services were held in the new Baptist Temple at the Highlands, Sunday morning last, and Rev. G. L. Lewis, of Vineyard Haven, preached from 1st Corinthians, 3-16. Theme - “Our body the temple of God.” It was announced that religious services would be held in this place every Sabbath hereafter, at 10.30 A. M., and that the “Temple” would be dedicated Aug. 19th.

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East Chop Column: July 28
Rick Herrick

When I was a university professor, I often taught a new course because I wanted to learn more about a subject. In this spirit, I will focus this column on Baptist Temple Park.

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