West Tisbury Opposes Power Line Herbicides

Opposition to the use of herbicides around Eversource power lines continued at a meeting of the West Tisbury select board on Wednesday night, when the board determined to send a letter opposing the practice to the state.

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Tisbury Renews Objections to Eversource Spraying

The Tisbury town administrator pressed his select board this week to take a tough stance against the ongoing practice by Eversource of spraying herbicides beneath power line rights of way.

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Herbicide Restrictions Gain Traction
Landry Harlan

Three Island towns have taken a first step toward restricting herbicide use after years of concern over the longstanding practice of spraying beneath power lines by the utility giant Eversource.

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Town Takes Step to Control Herbicide Spraying

West Tisbury selectmen this week signed a letter to the Cape and Islands legislative delegation seeking a home rule petition that would allow the town to regulate herbicides.

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Eversource Files New Plan for Spraying on Cape and Islands
Landry Harlan

Eversource will not spray herbicides around power lines on the Island this year, but debate is far from over as the utility giant files a five-year plan that would allow continued spraying.

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Towns Try to Block Eversource Spraying, but Learn They Lack Clout
Sara Brown and Heather Hamacek

Eversource Energy’s plans to spray herbicides under power lines on the Vineyard remained in the spotlight this week.

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Selectmen Reconsider Views on Herbicides
Sara Brown

Edgartown selectmen backed off an idea to send a letter of concern to Eversource after the conservation agent shared information about plans to use herbicides under power lines.

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Eversource Moves Ahead on Herbicide Spraying
Alex Elvin

Herbicide spraying on West Chop and near the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road could begin as early as Friday, after the state pesticide board voted last week not to consider a one-year moratorium on spraying in the region.

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Eversource Spraying Sparks Renewed Opposition on Vineyard
Alex Elvin

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission, state representatives, town officials and others are all calling on the utility giant to find alternatives to herbicide spraying under power lines this year.

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Eversource to Resume Herbicide Spraying on Island
Alex Elvin

For the first time in four years, Eversource Energy plans to apply herbicides under some of its power lines on the Vineyard. A public comment period ends March 27.

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