Vineyard Granted More Housing Options in New State Law

The massive housing bill passed Tuesday includes policies that explicitly give the Vineyard new ways to develop housing, allow accessory dwelling units by right in certain areas and make special allowances for towns with fluctuating populations. 

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Housing Bank Hope

As you may know, the transfer fee did not get included in the Affordable Homes Act. We are disappointed, maybe as disappointed as our state senator Julian Cyr, who has tirelessly worked for its passage. 

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Island Officials Say Housing Transfer Fee Still Has Hope

A proposal to allow cities and towns across Massachusetts to assess a fee on high-end home sales has been left out of a revamped housing bill unveiled by state lawmakers last week. But housing advocates say the idea, which has long been a priority for the Vineyard, is far from dead. 

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How Housing Bank Next Steps Align and Differ from State Bill

Gov. Maura Healey’s historic Affordable Homes Act includes a local option transfer fee, a critical step toward achieving the goal of establishing a Vineyard Housing Bank.

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Transfer Fee Included in Healey Housing Proposal

Gov. Maura Healey unveiled a $4 billion housing plan Wednesday that includes a local option transfer fee, a provision that Islanders have sought for years to help fight the Vineyard’s housing crisis.

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Islanders to Continue Housing Push on Beacon Hill

Island housing advocates will return to Boston Tuesday to lobby their support for the local option transfer fee and housing bank bills being reviewed at the State House.

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Islanders Take Housing Bank Case at State House

Vineyarders mobilized by the Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank had one mission on Thursday in Boston: to encourage legislators to pass the Island housing bank bill.

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Vineyard Coalition Heads to Boston in Housing Bank Push

More than 200 Islanders are expected to take part in Martha Goes to Beacon Hill on March 23, an event organized by the Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank.

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Martha Goes to Beacon Hill

On March 23, advocates for the MV Housing Bank Act will travel to the Massachusetts State House in Boston to encourage legislators to vote for the MV Housing Bank Act and local option transfer fee legislation.

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Legislators File Vineyard Housing Bank Bill

Dozens of bills aimed at increasing affordable housing statewide have been filed since the Massachusetts Legislature entered its 193rd this month, including two that would create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank.

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