I live at 68 Eastville avenue. If you are on Island, you have seen the senseless destruction from the corner of County avenue to the drawbridge.
Hurray! The heartbeat of the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse pounds loudly and triumphantly again.
Have you ever walked onto the ferry boat and smelled a nasty smell?
As a recently retired, Oak Bluffs-born and raised community banker since the age of 15, I am keenly aware of the trajectory of our housing crisis.
I would like to share my thoughts and support for the proposed housing bank article, which will be on all Island town warrants this spring.
The housing bank is the issue of this year.
would like to publicly apologize to Susan Desmarais for the offense and hurt caused by my remarks during her statement at the March 31 Oak Bluffs planning board meeting.
It is with many emotions that Ed and I hand over stewardship of Ashakomaksett Farm to the land bank today.
Leaders of faith communities on Martha’s Vineyard are in the forefront of affordable housing concerns on the Island.
The following letter was sent to the Joint Committee on Housing for the state legislature.