Once a wasteland of mismanagement and neglect, the airport business park — under new leadership — is shaping up and filling up. And, with plans to polish the park’s image already under way, the business park will prove an appropriate addition to the much anticipated new terminal complex.
After a good 45 minutes of arguing over semantics, the Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission last week approved a plan by county manager Carol Borer to provide administrative assistance and staff support to the Martha’s Vineyard Airport Commission and the airport manager.
Six years after a master plan was commissioned for the Martha’s Vineyard Airport in an attempt to make an asset from an eyesore, significant changes are beginning to take shape.
The first tenant in a new 63-acre airport business park off Barnes Road is already on the site and, when utility lines are put in place sometime in the year ahead, other businesses are expected to move in rapidly.
No planes will be able to land or take off from the Martha’s Vineyard Airport beginning Tuesday and running through Thursday due to runway repaving, airport officials confirmed on Monday.
Cash-strapped due to unbudgeted expenses for the work to clean up contamination in private wells, airport officials are seeking a loan from the county.