Wooly Workshop Shows Where Sweaters Come From
Ivy Ashe

Wendy Gray's Field and Felt session with Charter School students Saturday included a guest appearance by a ewe from the Allen Farm.

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Charter School Hosts Enrollment Open House

Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is hosting an enrollment open house on Tuesday, Jan. 28, beginning at 5:30 p.m.

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Visiting Spanish Students Experience Island Life

A week ago 15 high school students from Castellon de la Plana, Spain, arrived on the Island, hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School. This was the first visit to the United States for many of the students.

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Sing a Song of Peace

The 13th annual Winter Concert: Songs of Peace, Hope and Light with the Martha’s Vineyard Charter School community chorus is at 5 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center on Sunday, Dec. 22.

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Celebrating the 70s at the Charter School
Bill Eville

My Sharona had a Heart of Glass that shattered when she discovered she was Born to Run and no amount of Shadow Dancing down at the YMCA could change a thing.

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Charter School Celebrates Class of 2013
Nicholas Bradley

A standing ovation welcomed the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School’s class of 2013 to the stage at their commencement ceremony last Sunday afternoon. The crowd cheered excitedly as the graduates, wearing wreaths of purple flowers in their hair, entered the white tent.

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Charter School Grads Chart Course
Mathea Morais

If you didn’t know already, you’ve probably gathered from what has been said so far today, this is one special group. So when they asked me back in January to be the one to give this speech, after a year in which some of them accused me of abandoning them to work with the middle school, I was overcome with gratitude.

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Guiding Their Own Education, Students Discover Unique Selves
Nicholas Bradley

The rafters echoed with laughter as 12 high school seniors gathered in Polly Hill Arboretum’s far barn to commemorate their graduation with a simple lunch. These students are the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School’s Class of 2013, the school’s largest graduating class since its first class of seniors graduated in 2001.

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Charter School Trip to Italy

Eighteen Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School students and their seven chaperones landed in Rome on April 8. The annual eighth grade trip was inaugurated in 2002 and continues to be led by Charter School Social Studies teacher, Jonah Maidoff. During the 11-day visit, the students spent time in Rome, Florence, the Tuscan countryside and San Giovanni V’al D’Arno where they met up with their pen pals, Italian students of the Instituto Comprensivo Marconi.

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Island Businesses, Charter School Celebrate Start of Solar Era
Remy Tumin

A soft buzz of 250,000 watts of energy echoed off of Watcha Path in Edgartown on Thursday afternoon.

“Listen to that hum,” Bill Bennett told a group of Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School students standing next to several transformers at Mr. Bennett’s new solar array.

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