Seven graduating seniors thanked parents, teachers, friends and mentors and said they were proud to be a part of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School.
Seven seniors will graduate Sunday from the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School. This week the graduating class spoke about new adventures and their school years.
A new science center is on the horizon for the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, thanks to a large gift from a longtime Edgartown summer resident. Robert Day will donate a total of $500,000, including $400,000 for the science center.
Wearing wreaths of flowers in their hair, eight graduates at the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School celebrated their high school careers Sunday. The ceremony was marked by a heartfelt and casual atmosphere.
On Sunday, nine students will graduate from the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School. They will go on to college, gap years and journeys across the world. This week, the graduates reflected on their journeys at a senior lunch held at the Polly Hill Arboretum.
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School has received a $100,000 donation from Robert Day through the W. M. Keck Foundation. The grant will help the school complete work on new science and tech labs.
For four weeks, Godfrey Muwulya, a native dancer from Uganda, has been teaching traditional dances from his country to fifth and sixth grade social studies students at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, thanks to The Yard.
On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6 and Feb. 7, the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School and the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse theatre project staged four short plays, starring the fourth grade classes.