Concerns Over Small Mesh Trawling for Squid Surface at DMF Hearing
Alex Elvin

Commercial fishermen from on and off the Island provided comments on eight draft and emergency regulations proposed by the Division of Marine Fisheries at a recent meeting at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. The comment period runs through Jan. 23.

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Squid Summer: A Mother Cuts the Apron Strings

T he best kinds of stories about your kids are those that you wouldn’t remember unless you wrote them down. In 1993 Adam was 13 and we had just given him permission to go places on his own.

The summer season began when the squid started to bite. I knew it had come when Adam’s clothing got all mucked up with ink and slime. His hands would be stained black. This began happening every day.

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Inky Nights: Mysterious Squid Are Subject of Study by Scientist
Peter Brannen

Before probing the outer reaches of our galaxy, alien hunters would be well-advised to turn their telescopes around, training them on Earth’s own cephalopods instead. The group of animals includes squid, octopus, cuttlefish and nautiluses and were seemingly jury-rigged by evolution, armed with suction cups, beaks, ink, jet propulsion, camouflage and an intelligence entirely unlike our own.

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Where Have All the Squid Gone?
Mark Alan Lovewell

Longfin inshore squid ( loligo pealeii ) may not be on the menu, but it is an important local seafood that has grown scarce.

Recreational and commercial fishermen are perplexed, wondering how a once profitable and abundant bait seems to have disappeared. Tackle shop owners can’t find enough of it. The draggers working in Nantucket Sound have had slim pickings.

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Island Waters Awash With Squid, May Be Best Fishing in Years
Mark Alan Lovewell

In a dramatic reversal of fishing fortune, the last few weeks have offered the best squid fishing in years.

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