High Speed SSA Ferry Runs Aground in Hyannis
Sara Brown

The Coast Guard and Steamship Authority were busy with response efforts Saturday after the fast ferry Iyanough hit a jetty in the Hyannis Harbor Friday night.

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Generator Fire Put Out Quickly on Ferry Governor

A small fire in the engine room of the freight ferry Governor was quickly extinguished Friday morning, boat line general manager Wayne Lamson said.

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New SSA Treasurer

The Steamship Authority has named Gerard J. Murphy as treasurer/comptroller for the boat line.

Mr. Murphy replaces Bob Davis, who will become SSA general manager when Wayne Lamson retires at the end of June. Mr. Murphy will start work on May 31 as treasurer-elect before becoming the official treasurer/comptroller on July 1, a press release said.

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SSA Renews Study of New Bedford Routes

The Steamship Authority will continue to explore possible new routes between the Vineyard and New Bedford — one for barging trash and another for freight ferry service, both using private contractors.

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Ruling Favors Steamship Authority in Woods Hole Terminal Project

A ruling this week stated that the state Department of Environmental Protection was correct when it issued a license for a new Steamship Authority terminal and ferry slips in Woods Hole.

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Steamship Authority Names New Treasurer/Comptroller

The Steamship Authority has announced Terry Cote Vizard as the boat line’s new treasurer/comptroller.

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Minor Damage After Sankaty Collides with Island Home
Sara Brown

The freight ferry Sankaty collided with the Island Home Friday evening while backing into the slip in Woods Hole. No one was injured in the mishap.

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Woods Hole Terminal Project Ready, Set — Almost Go
Sara Brown

Steamship Authority governors Tuesday awarded a bid for a $2.6 million temporary modular terminal building in Woods Hole, another early step in a large reconstruction project at the Woods Hole facility.

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Steamship Authority Chooses Next General Manager

Robert Davis was named to be the next general manager of the Steamship Authority in a unanimous vote at a special meeting Monday.

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Appeal Could Delay New Ferry Terminal in Woods Hole

A group of Woods Hole residents is challenging state approval of the Steamship Authority terminal reconstruction project in the village, a move that could delay the project.

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