Rooting for Ramps
Suzan Bellincampi

There is no need to ramp up for the harvest if it is wild leeks that you seek.

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Earth Day
Lynne Irons

Is it just me or have we had an inordinate amount of rain and wind?

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Nature Lives Large
Lynne Irons

Monday’s nearly perfect spring day had folks out puttering in their yards.

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Planting Time
Lynne Irons

I don’t know how I ever went to work. I spend the entire day fussing around my house and yard.

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Seasonal Salad
Lynne Irons

Recently, on one of those absolutely perfect early spring days, I realized the sky has not been so blue and clear since the days following 9/11.

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Upside Down
Lynne Irons

I am eternally grateful to live on Martha’s Vineyard at a time like this.

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Rock Steady
Lynne Irons

A while ago I talked about my maternal grandmother, Nonnie. She was a letter writer.

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Wind Rant
Lynne Irons

I’m a broken record — I hate the wind. The weather, however, does not respond to criticism.

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Spring Ahead
Lynne Irons

I’m going to stop mentioning the lack of winter and turn my attention to spring.

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Winter Seedlings and Wanderings
Lynne Irons

I grew up (or as I like to say grew taller) in the snow belt of western Pennsylvania. We experienced the lake effect snow which came off Lake Erie.

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