Woman’s Suffrage

Mrs. W. O. Pinkham is to speak next Sunday in Edgartown, before the Men’s Club at the Congregational church in the afternoon on Suffrage, and in the evening at the regular church meeting at which she will speak upon “The Relation of Religion to Suffrage.”

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Vineyard Gazette

Mrs. Clairborn Catlin, of Baltimore, on horseback, in the khaki attire of the Western Plains, rode into town this forenoon. She is doing the State in the interest of the Mass. Political Equity Union, headquarters in Boston, with “Votes for Women” for the goal.

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Women Cast Heavy In Keenly Contested Primaries
Vineyard Gazette

The vote of Martha’s Vineyard went for Joseph Walsh for congressman, Walter H. Renear for sheriff, and John W. Churchill for state senator in the three most keenly contested primaries Tuesday night. When the votes were counted, Mr. Renear was re-nominated by a large majority, Mr. Walsh had carried the island towns by 137, and Mr. Churchill was ahead in a close vote. Harold Winslow carried Gay Head and Chilmark in his contest with Mr. Walsh. Channing H. Cox became the Republican nominee with the island’s endorsement.

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First Woman to Vote
Vineyard Gazette

Mrs. Emma W. Terry, daughter of Ulysses E. Mayhew of West Tisbury, was the first woman to cast a vote at the primaries on Martha’s Vineyard.

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The Women Who Won Woman Suffrage Battle
Vineyard Gazette

Mrs. Guy W. Stantial and Mrs. Malcolm McBride, two Vineyard summer residents of long standing, are to be presented on a radio broadcast commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the ratification of the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution, over WEEI on Thursday, Aug. 25. The broadcast will be entitled, The Women Who Won, and Mrs. Stantial and Mrs. McBride are two of those who helped achieve woman’s suffrage through this amendment.

Another of the women who won is Mrs. Rosa Roewer of Pigeon Cove, Rockport, who has been a visitor on the Vineyard recently.

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First Edgartown Woman to Vote for President
Vineyard Gazette

Mrs. Henry H. Jernegan was the first woman in Edgartown ever to cast a vote for the President of the United State. Mrs. Jernegan’s ballot dropped into the box when the polls opened Tuesday morning.

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Massachusetts Legislature
Vineyard Gazette

In the Senate, on the 20th inst., the bill authorizing Shaw Norris to build a wharf, was passed to be engrossed.

In the House, a remonstrance was presented from Daniel Butler, and others, of Edgartown, against the petition of Benj. Worth and others.

In the House, on the 21st inst., a petition was presented from John P. Norton, and others, of Dukes County, that women may be allowed to vote. Laid on the table.

In the House, on the 25th inst., the bill to incorporate the Cape Cod Marine Telegraph, passed to a third reading.

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