Though too young to cast their own ballots, parents and school teachers brought youngsters out to the polls Tuesday to give them a firsthand view of democracy.
Addison Antonoff, Gwyn Skiles, Louisa Hufstader and Katrina Liu
Throughout the day, voters cited women’s reproductive health, the economy and the lack of better options as some of the deciding factors in their votes.
Polls open at 7 a.m. in all six towns and close at 8 p.m. Aside from picking who will spend the next four years at the White House, Islanders will also weigh in on a series of ballot questions, a state senate seat, and a contested race for nine seats on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.
As the long and winding campaign trail for president winds down and election day arrives, one thing is for certain: both sides are vehement that their candidate is the country’s only chance for salvation.
Voter registration is up, early voting has begun and town clerks across the Island are busy preparing for what is expected to be one of the busiest general elections in Martha’s Vineyard history.
Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff spoke to donors at two Vineyard fundraisers Monday, saying the campaign is strong but more work needs to be done to secure a victory in November.
Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, will be visiting the Vineyard next week, taking the place of First Lady Jill Biden at a campaign fundraiser.
Vineyarders will have four different elections this year. The presidential primary takes place on March 5, annual town elections start in the spring, state primaries are on Sept. 3 and the general presidential election on Nov. 5.
The first presidential election reported in the columns of the Vineyard Gazette was that of 1848, two years after the founding of the Gazette by Edgar Marchant. The election took place on Tuesday. On Friday the Gazette printed the result in Dukes County, which was as follows, the figures being those for Taylor, Cass and Van Buren in that order: Edgartown 157, 46, 35; Tisbury 99, 38, 42; Chilmark 34, 49, 4; total 290, 133, 81. Dukes County therefore went Whig by a majority of 76.