The manager of the Vineyard’s only homeless shelter has been going to the Island town governments in recent weeks in the hope that they will join Harbor Homes to start a committee or task force aimed at helping the growing homeless population.
Harbor Homes opened its annual winter shelter this month and already a dozen people, several of whom are first time visitors, have checked in for at least one overnight stay.
Brian Morris, a trained recovery coach and the former access coordinator at Island Health Care, will lead the Island's homelessness prevention nonprofit.
A public outcry in support of the Island’s homeless community followed the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)’s decision to clear three homeless encampments in the state forest last week.
State contractors entered the state forest this week and cleared three homeless encampments, razing tents and leaving several Islanders without their possessions.
The Island homelessness relief group Harbor Homes has begun a new summer outreach program that aims to offer food, medicine, counseling services and more to the Island’s high seasonal homeless population.
At least two children and more than 40 adults were found to be homeless on the Island — more than twice as many people as in 2019 — by Harbor Homes of Martha’s Vineyard last month.
Homelessness continues to climb on the Vineyard, a recent count confirmed. The annual point-in-time count conducted late last month found 41 homeless individuals, compared with 28 last year.
Martha’s Vineyard’s homeless shelter program is at risk for staying shuttered this winter due to the complications of the pandemic, posing new dangers for the most vulnerable residents.