The 20 new cases alarmed public health officials as they try to stem the Island’s largest case surge since the pandemic began.
The Island boards of health reported two new Covid-19 patients on Wednesday. State public health officials also announced a flu vaccine requirement for students in Massachusetts.
Island boards of health reported another new positive Covid-19 test Thursday from TestMV, the high school coronavirus testing site, marking the second positive test in as many days.
Island health officials reported one new probable antibody positive case on Tuesday, bringing the Island’s total coronavirus caseload to 46.
In the Island’s biggest day of coronavirus testing since the pandemic began, the boards of health reported three new antibody cases and three new symptomatically positive patients on the Vineyard Thursday.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported one new case of Covid-19 on Thursday — the second case in three days on the Island after a weeklong case-free lull.