Island boards of health, working in conjunction with the Great Pond Foundation, issued the summer’s first cyanobacteria bloom watch notices last week.
Marking another turning point in the pandemic, Islanders can now shop, dine out and enter most public buildings without masks.
Martha’s Vineyard boards of health will take up the question of whether to continue the mandatory Islandwide indoor mask mandate this week, as regional and national guidance shifts toward a looser approach to face coverings in public.
With Covid-19 now racing through the Vineyard community, boards of health issued a public health message Tuesday urging Islanders to take steps to protect themselves from infection.
The Edgartown, Oak Bluffs and Tisbury boards of health voted unanimously to institute a mask mandate for indoor public spaces during a rare emergency, joint meeting Tuesday morning, changing course again as cases climb.
In a significant shift, Island boards of health have issued a mask advisory for indoor public spaces on the Vineyard, regardless of vaccination status, the contagious Delta variant continues to spread.