Weather Basics is the topic of Sail MV's next Zoom talk, March 10, with Brian Whitely of Weather Routing Inc.


Climatologists say the prevalence of strong southerly storms that have battered the Vineyard’s south shore this winter are due, in part, to the first El Niño winter in five years.


The high winds and surf from Monday’s storm exacted a heavy toll on the Vineyard’s south shore, tearing several new breaches, eroding dunes and creating a sinkhole on Atlantic Drive in Edgartown

More than a dozen ferry trips to and from the Vineyard were canceled Monday morning as a storm hit southern New England with strong winds.

A major coastal storm headed towards southern New England is expected to hit the Vineyard with strong winds Tuesday and Wednesday, raising the risk of power outages.

Temperatures may reach as low as zero degrees Saturday and winds may reach up to 45 miles per hour.


Christmas came early for storm-chasers this year, as a major storm forecast to bring 65 mph wind gusts and heavy rain approaches New England ahead of the holiday weekend.
