A burst of extreme weather passed over Martha’s Vineyard mid-day Tuesday, tossing seas and prompting rare tornado warnings.
The heat wave that blanketed much of the country with soaring temperatures and sticky humidity all weekend did not spare the Vineyard, where hundreds flocked to cooling shoreside places.
A series of thunderstorms took Islanders by surprise Saturday, dropping hail and featuring a dramatic lightning show. After a sunny, summery day, the storm swept in from the northwest.
Martha’s Vineyard public schools will close early Tuesday due to the oncoming winter storm. The regional high school will close at 11; elementary schools will close at noon. The charter school is closing at 12.30 p.m.
It's peak hurricane season, and Island emergency managers are practicing tabletop drills and making sure they are stocked up for shelters — just in case.
I could not have been happier with the lovely rain last Saturday afternoon.