To many of the summer residents of Martha’s Vineyard, Union Chapel services have become as much a part of their lives as the Vineyard itself. Each year new visitors attend the chapel and become dependent upon it for their Sunday devotions.


The new Methodist Tabernacle was formally dedicated Wednesday forenoon, in the presence of a goodly number of the clergy and an immense congregation. Rev. Dr. Morrison had the general charge of the exercises, which opened with singing, followed by scripture readings by Revs. Messrs. Brown and Hamlin. Prayer was the offered by Rev. L. B. Bates, followed by singing, after which Bishop Foster arose and commenced his sermon, taking for his text Ephesians IV, 30: “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”


The dedicatory services at the new Baptist Temple on Vineyard Highlands Sunday morning, were very successful. Despite the unpleasant weather the friends of the Baptist denomination gathered in large numbers, and some two thousand people were present at the opening services, among them eighty prominent divines.
The introductory services were conducted by Rev. R. G. Seymour of Boston. Mr. J. E. Simonds led the singing and Mrs. Simonds presided at the organ.


The Methodists have purchased an organ for their church, and hope to have it placed therein by Christmas. It is said to be a fine-toned instrument.


As the faithful chronicler of important events affecting the welfare of our Island, you will give space, I know, to a brief notice of an occurrence which took place on the 6th inst. On the morning of Wednesday we broke loose from the seclusion of home, and the pressure of care, and leaving the roar of old ocean behind us, we journeyed across hill and dale amid the luxuriant beams of a genial sun, to the retired but picturesque village of West Tisbury.
