The Edgartown Golf and Tennis Club has opened its links at “Pineside,” a little to the north of upper Main street. The course is 2,540 yards long, and is, in the opinion of experts, an unusually successful reproduction of golfing condition on the downs of Scotland, where the game originated. A tennis court is projected for the near future. Membership in the Club, entitling one to all privileges, costs, for men $4.00, for women $2.00 and for children under fifteen $1.50 per year. Guests’ tickets may be had at 25c each. The treasurer is Mr. John E. White.
The Edgartown Golf and Tennis Club was organized this week, and starts off with a good list of members, which it is hoped will be much increased with the next month. Good grounds are to be secured, and it is going to be quite the correct thing to become a member and play golf this summer. The officers chosen temporarily are J. R. Hanmer, president, and John E. White, treasurer.
It affords us sincere pleasure to announce that the question whether Katama was “to be or not to be” the scene of a new settlement and a resort for summer visitors, is certainly “to be.”
We were morally certain of this fact several weeks ago, but refrained from stating it at the request of the parties concerned in working up the enterprise, until all possibility of a failure from any human cause, was removed. It is now a fixed fact, and we but give voice to the expression of our citizens when we propose three times three cheers for the cheering inevitable.
The citizens of Edgartown, opposed to the further extension of slavery in this country, assembled at the Town Hall on Friday evening last.
E. Marchant was chosen Chairman, and Henry A. Coffin, Esq., Secretary.
The following gentlemen were elected Delegates to the Worcester Convention, to nominate candidates for State Officers, viz: - John Vinson, J.R. Dillingham, Harrison P. Mayhew.
The public mind has been greatly occupied recently with several cases of reclamation of fugitive slaves. We give, in another column, some account of the capture and return to bondage of a brother and two nephews of the Rev. Dr. Pennington, a well known and highly esteemed colored minister of New York; also of the case of Burns, in Boston.
Below will be found the particulars of the escape of a fugitive from a vessel in our own harbor.
July the 28th A. D. 1743.