Brooke Kushwaha
The Vineyard Preservation Trust announced Friday that Josh McCall will succeed John Klein as the 48-year-old organization’s new Board Chair.
Thomas Humphrey
Lacquered wooden steeds shone in the sun Saturday as the Vineyard Preservation Trust showed off the newly restored Flying Horses Carousel.
Brooke Kushwaha
After spending the better part of a decade restoring the historic Edgartown landmark, muralist Margot Datz considers the Old Whaling Church to be her second home.
Calling it a return to the organization’s roots, the Vineyard Trust announced Monday that it would change its name to the Vineyard Preservation Trust.
Julia Wells
Nevette Previd, a Vineyard Haven consultant who has created and produced numerous Island events including harvest and oyster festivals, has been named executive director of the Vineyard Trust.
Noah Asimow
The trust announced Thursday that the owners of LeRoux — a kitchen and home-goods store based in Vineyard Haven — will manage the historic general store.
Alley's General Store is having exterior work done before the holidays, according to the Vineyard Trust.
The Flying Horses carousel in Oak Bluffs will remain closed this season, to protect the historic carved horses from sanitizer damage.
The Vineyard Trust's new 20 Landmarks in 2020 campaign seeks to replace the funds that would have been raised at its summer events.
Louisa Hufstader
This year’s Gifts of Art show and sale at the Carnegie in Edgartown opened Thursday with a reception for 10 local painters whose smaller-scale works are sized and priced for gift-giving.
The Vineyard has always been a place of community and inclusiveness, where open dialogue, democratic ideals and respect for others' opinions, even when we don't agree with them, have been valued.
Steve Myrick
In a ceremony well attended by donors, volunteers and curious Islanders, the Vineyard Trust dedicated and opened the Carnegie Saturday morning.
