Every September since 2001, the Edgartown Lighthouse has been a beacon for grieving families who gather for the annual children’s memorial and ceremony of remembrance.
The Edgartown select board and planning board appointed master plan steering committee member David Ignacio to the planning board in a contentious vote this week.
Last week, six former students, now elders of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), gathered in the Aquinnah town hall to talk about the history of the Gay Head School and the impact it had on their lives.
A new exhibit at the museum includes art by Donald Widdiss, his mother Gladys, and his sons Heath and Jason. Donald and Jason are both wampum artists, whereas Gladys and Heath’s medium is clay.
Addison Antonoff, Louisa Hufstader, Gwyn Skiles and Katrina Liu
Island students went back to school on Tuesday, some heading to a newly refurbished school in Tisbury, and others meeting new principals at the Edgartown, Chilmark and Oak Bluffs schools.