Chilmark prepares for yet another weekend storm. This winter continues to challenge all aspects of Island life. As always, Vineyarders see these moments as a chance to reach out to their neighbors as they always do in adversity.
The severe storms have left their temporary marks on our surfaces but despite the aggravation, 85 voting Chilmarkers travelled to the town meeting on Monday last and voted with speed and decisiveness.
Chilmark is moving rapidly though fall with mostly bright sunshine, although I did note that Chilmark recorded more than two inches of rain one day last week. The winds are quickly stripping the trees of their leaves but in some sheltered areas the colors are still vibrant. There is more color in town. The new U.S. Coast Guard boathouse now has white siding that “looks like” shingles. It is beginning to look familiar again. Scalloping seems to be going well and the Menemsha Fish Market has plenty of them for sale.
Chilmark grieves this week for the passing of one of our most popular senior citizens. Elmore Bud Mayhew died at Massachusetts General Hospital on November 7.
The Chilmark Volunteer Firefighters are hosting the annual get together for the children of the town with many treats and the usual exciting costume judging.
Chilmarkers have quickly shed their summer personas and are now busy with the winter ones. That is the role so many of them play in the government of the town.
Chilmark is backing into fall with beautiful summer days and still many visitors and fishermen. The retail and food businesses are closing as I write. Betsy and her crew will be at the Larsen’s Fish Market until close of day, Oct. 19, and that will do it for all but Stanley Larsen’s Menemsha Fish Market.
Chilmark is still enjoying daily sunshine with occasional rain at night — seems like a nice arrangement! We still have many fishermen and visitors to enjoy it all. Fall has been more like summer so far.