The plummeting temperatures at the beginning of the week turned me into a crybaby. I was getting used to warm, early spring.
Well, here we are just past the vernal equinox. Astronomical spring began on Sunday, March 20.
After the cold and kind of miserable weekend, the week has turned the inevitable corner into spring.
Regardless of the chilly nights, windy days and often rain or snow, the light has definitely changed.
Complaining and saying "brrr" have no influence on the weather. It simply does not respond to criticism.
The weather pattern this February has my head spinning. We get snow, wind and very cold temperatures, then 50 degrees and rain.
Waking up Monday morning to a beautiful winter wonderland with light, fluffy, manageable snow was a real treat.
Last week's big snow left the ground covered everywhere.
Often, when weather forecasters warn of a big storm coming, the reaction is a bit of a "ho hum!"
Everything in weather world is relative.