Burro Business

We’ve had a series of very warm days. It seems a little unseasonable for May on the Vineyard.

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Dry Times

For several days there have been some pretty spectacular cloud formations.

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Flower Power

I am writing on Tuesday afternoon and it’s another annoying windy day.

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Time Warp

It is remarkable how quickly the leaves have emerged this week, especially right in Vineyard Haven.

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Spitting Spring

There were a few days last week that were downright unpleasant for outdoor activities.

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Coming Out Party

I have been moving the plastic coyote around the yard with success. The deer have been avoiding my gardens. Until Monday night, that is.

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Warm Words

The beautiful warm spring days are few and far between.

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Seasonal Shivers

It is the weird time of year for clothing decisions.

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Sun's Out

It’s time to locate the sun hats. Both Violet and I had facial sun burns this past week.

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Gone Planting

Henry van Dyke penned words to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Ode to Joy. The first line of verse four reads: “Mortals, join the mighty chorus which the morning stars began.”

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